Friday, September 30, 2022

College Recruiting Resources- Facebook groups, Websites for High School Athletes

See below for some really great resources for college recruiting advice and advice for the High School athlete looking to play at the next level... 

Educating Parents of HS Athletes On The College Recruiting Process 

Looking For A FULL RIDE?: An Insider’s Recruiting Guide 

College Soccer Recruiting Resources for Parents/Players - by Sports Recruiting USA 

Erica Kristin 

The Complete Guide to College Soccer Recruiting 

The Recruiting Code 

Good Luck!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Should US Soccer Make All Online Grass-Roots Courses FREE?

The period we are in as a country at this time gives us a unique opportunity, a bit of free time to educate at the grass-roots level? If the 4v4, 7v7, 9v9 and 11v11 online courses were available for no charge, do you think many would take advantage of it? Each of the 4 online courses are $25 each.

I think that some people that hadn't taken the courses because of "not having the time" may have the time right now and might do so if they were at no cost. Even post-crisis, shouldn't these courses be free anyway?

Also, it is a great opportunity to get your older players involved in the coaching world, introducing them to methodology, coach education and how to teach the game they love, hopefully inspiring them to take it further once their playing days are over/they get older. 
This could go a long way in bringing college & high school students into the coaching pathway.

To be clear, I'm talking about grass roots, introductory courses, not anything D or above. I value the education, and especially the collaboration, I have received from USSF & USC (NSCAA) in-person courses.

I just think that if we have grassroots coaches at the start of many soccer "careers", then they should know what the heck they are doing to start those players off on a good footing. What do you think?

Monday, March 16, 2020

TRAINING AT HOME: Individual Training for Your Player During the Covid-19 Soccer Shutdown

Coaches, like their player’s parents, are wondering how their pupils will take to all the changes in their young lives during such times. Most of you are thinking about ways to keep them active and able to take their mind off the pressures that an event like this can bring about.

When it comes to learning, most kids respond to video…just ask them how they find out “how to” anything…most YouTube it.  There is a reason why 10 year old kids make millions on YouTube, they understand what they like and do it. Written instruction fails because it only provides the what, but doesn’t show the “how”, especially for visual learners. To have a coach explain the why within the video is the final piece of magic that makes it work.

As I searched for solutions, I tried to stick to videos and apps with “how to” or “show me” videos that the players can follow along with. These are just a few resources out of hundreds available. If you have an idea, please let me know, send me links or an email to and I can append this article.

The recent Covid-19 shutdown of soccer has been a kick in the ass for all of us coaches. More so for players and parents. Please stay well everyone ...and don't forget to train...alone!


SST – Soccer Specific Training

SST is a brand that I trust and have recommended players to for supplemental training many times over the years. Now the rest of the world gets to experience SST’s individual training.

One of NJ’s premier training organizations, headed by USSF A licensed Mike Turtle and assisted by my friend Will Gould and others are offering a daily session at 2pm EST on their Facebook feed. This is their 1ST session from 3/16/2020 (available on their Facebook feed). Once this pandemic was announced and fields and gatherings were off limits, they quickly jumped to make this available, for free, to all players (read the article at link below).

Admirable, to say the least. Good job guys!

4 “cones” (or objects to use as cones…solo cups work); a ball; a bottle of water; a winning attitude.

YouTube: SSTSkillz


A-Game Soccer Training

One of the top footskills & Soccer IQ trainers in NJ, my friend, Danny Vedder, is offering his talents to teach kids what he knows free of charge over this unfortunate break. Great job Coach!

Coach Danny is posting a training video each day on his Facebook feed:

A-Game's website:


Techne Training
*This is great for teams as progress is trackable by managers and coaches.

Techne provides a perfect platform for individual training for the players to work on their own. They earn Techne socks, much like martial arts belts when they “level-up”. The platform is also view-able by managers and coaches so they can keep track of who’s “doing their homework” and who isn’t.


Beast Mode Soccer (app & YouTube videos, free & pay) 

While I am not familiar with the app, I can say that I have used the Beast Mode videos for training ideas and individual training. 

You can’t argue with success when you see Alex Morgan working with the coach!

They have several different training programs along with mental training for the game. Worth a look.


Coach Marcus DiBernardo

Online Soccer Skills Academy

Click here for Individual Skills Instruction


Stefano's Training Systems 

YouTube Channel:



OpportunityElite - Player Development

Some really fantastic ball mastery sessions...

50 Ball Mastery Techniques | The Ultimate Ball Mastery Video




Tom Byer: Soccer Starts At Home (for the younger player)

*Website from Houston Dynamo on Tom’s “Soccer Starts at Home”:


Ball & A Wall Workouts
Ball & A Wall” workouts are the absolute simplest form of getting your touches in. Whether it’s an overturned patio table or bench, an actual wall in the garage or basement, bottom step, front of Mom’s favorite couch or just a curb in the street (be safe), they all make for an excellent “partner” to train with. 

Search YouTube for more ideas to incorporate turns, surfaces of the foot, different moves, volleys, half-volleys, etc. such as:

40 individual ball control exercises (my apologies for the 70’s theme music LOL)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How to Enjoy Watching Your Teens Play Sports - Article from Growing Leaders

"You better check yo self before you wreck yo self." - Ice Cube (1992)
Some good, old school rap advice...LOL :-)

Sometimes we miss the mark on why we are having our kids participate in sports in the first place. It's always good to reflect on that, remember why and apply it. 

"When your child is done with sports and the “glory days” are over, what will be left? Will it be more than trophies and news clippings? Hopefully it will be a strong foundation of character that will keep growing as he or she does."
The article "How to Enjoy Watching Your Teens Play Sports" gives some thoughts on keeping perspective and outlining how you can frame conversations with your child/players to get the maximum benefit from their participation in sports.

Growing Leaders is an excellent coaching, parenting, & teaching resource that helps me develop insight into working with players. Please check out their website and material, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Equal playing time in youth sports?...Let's ask a few questions first?

Equal playing time rears its head over and over in youth sports. At what age or point in their development and in what competitions and areas of their sport lend itself to skewing more towards competition and less about development? 

There are a lot of different opinions there so I am leaving that discussion alone. I'd rather talk to personal responsibility and what a player can do to "turn things around" for themselves.

Here is the original article that got me thinking. My comments are for the older player, say middle school and up.

These are the excerpts of the takeaways from the article above (for me at least)...
  1. Not everyone is going to get equal playing time. 
  2. Not everyone is going to get an A on his or her test. 
  3. Not everyone is going to get the same amount of stage time. 
  4. Not everyone can be first chair in the band. 
  5. Not everyone is going to be a starter. 
  6. People earn these things by their performance.
Before you look towards a conversation with the coach...ask yourself (parent's should ask their kid)...
  1. When was the last time you have been to the gym to work on your skills? 
  2. Have you been working in the weight room? 
  3. Have you had a good attitude? 
  4. Have you been working like a team player?  
I'll add a few things...

  • Did you choose to go to the movies with your friends instead of making a training session or hit the gym? 
  • Did you abandon your training regimen because of peer pressure or social activities?
  • Do you even have a training regimen outside of team activities??? (You should!)
  • Did you disregard advice given to you by your coaches regarding the work you needed to put in and expect things to change just because you want them to?
  • Did you worry more about your plans that night than you did in the tactic being learned in training?
  • Did you sit around playing XBox or Fortnite in your "off-season" (There is no "off-season")
  • Do you feel entitled to playing time because of your grade/age? (Ex. Senior over Freshman)
  • etc., etc., get the gist...IT'S ON YOU!

As a player, if you cannot check all the boxes to everything that would have led to your improvement as a player, then you haven't really earned the right to question your coach, have you?

You should embrace the adversity, obstacles and work (AKA The Grind) of becoming the best version of yourself, mentally, physically, and in relation to the skills and talents related to your chosen sport. It all boils down to having a growth mindset. (watch the growth mindset video)

Regardless of whether your efforts lead to increased playing time or not...focusing on what will produce change is much more effective than a Mom or Dad having a conversation with Coach. Short term and for the long haul...on and off the field. Embrace the grind, do the work and be great!

P.S. FYI...after say, 12 years old, a parent should not be having the conversation, at least at first, with the coach...the conversation should originate with the PLAYER. (Sorry "Lawnmower Parents"!) Parents should empower the player to speak with the coach.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Fake It to Make It! "How-To" On Exuding Confidence Even When You Ain't Feelin' It!

Tryouts! Pre-Season!
  • "Will I make the team?"
  • "What does the coach think?"
  • "How do I feel about my chances?"
  • "Am I going to make it?"
  • "Ahhhhh!"

Yeah, it's that time of year for college, high school and middle school soccer players (at least in my neck of the woods). Ugh!

Not allowing your negative feelings to dictate your actions is not easy. Your body language might suffer. You might negatively react instead of absorbing events, thinking, reasoning and soundly formulating how to act. 

This is a time that puts an athlete's confidence to the the video below to see how you can "trick" yourself into getting into a confident self-image, even if your not quite feeling it at the moment.

Graham Betchart is the director of mental training for Lucid Performance Inc. (Twitter: @trainwithlucid). 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Getting Recruited 101: Some help in writing to college coaches...

Check out this article from USA Today High School Sports on writing effective emails and communicating with college coaches.

Find out more about getting recruited at US Today HS Sports Blog:

Do you have any tips? Leave them in the comments.

Good Luck!