Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I love when I come across an article that I wish I could have shared with my 15 year old self...

There isn't a person alive over 30 that doesn't come across what I call "software for the mind" that they wish they had known or adopted at a much earlier age. This is a great article that gives some insight into how to buckle down, trust the process and think more long term towards your end goals.

The takeaway:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Great Analogy for Player Development...Trust the Process, But Don't Ignore Opportunity When It Stands Before You

So, do we go "low & slow" (read below) ALL the time or is a push by coach or Mom & Dad...or a self-directed-by-the-player plunge into the deep end the best thing for player development? I think a little of both is the recipe. The mastery of knowing when and how is what a coach/parent/player needs to work at. I personally subscribe to sticking to a process until an opportunity comes along that gives the player the chance to make a leap ahead. If you fail, so what? You tried, you go back into the process and wait for the next opportunity...BUT if you succeed!!!

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Low & Slow (vs. fear)

by Seth Godin | Twitter: @thisissethsblog | Web:
My sourdough rye bread failed. For the first time since I've been baking from this starter, this weekend's batch didn't work.
I know why.
I rushed it.
I didn't let the dough ferment long enough.
And then I made the oven hotter, in an effort to get the loaves finished so I could leave to meet someone.
That's not how great bread works. It's ready when it's ready, not when you need it to be.
Of course, the analogy is obvious. Much of the work we do as creators, as leaders, as people seeking to make change--it needs to ferment, to create character and tension and impact. And if we rush it, we get nothing worth very much.
There's a flipside.
Sometimes, we mistakenly believe that we're building something that takes time, but what we're actually doing is hiding. We stall and digress and cause distractions, not because the work needs us to, but because we're afraid to ship.
Impatience can be a virtue if it causes us to leap through the fear that holds us back.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

For athletes, food is fuel... What do you fuel your body with? We count calories, but maybe it's time we spend more time on counting chemicals too?

For athletes, food is fuel...
What do you fuel your body with?
We count calories, but maybe it's time we spend more time on counting chemicals too? 

If herbicides and pesticides kill bugs & plants, what the he** is it doing to your body? How can it affect your growth, performance, recovery, etc.? (...and it's not just food...cosmetics, personal products like shampoo, deodorant, lotions, etc.)

Listen to the podcast below to educate yourself...and read a bit here:

Sunday, February 11, 2018

"How To Ruin Your Kid’s Life In Sports" - Great Article!

Will Ferrell in "Kicking and Screaming"

I've made every parenting mistake along with every coaching mistake. Mistakes are how you learn, if you pay attention and learn from your mistakes...the old "Lose, but don't lose the lesson" quote comes to mind.

Read below for a great article on how we behave, how we should behave and how we can help our kids (coaches and parents) enjoy the experience of sports participation, especially at the younger ages when they are just beginning and trying to master fundamentals that will be all important for their game later on.

Ask yourself after a little self-reflection...what adjustments do I need to make to help my kid (parents) or my kids (coaches) enjoy the sport more?

Click here: