Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How to Enjoy Watching Your Teens Play Sports - Article from Growing Leaders

"You better check yo self before you wreck yo self." - Ice Cube (1992)
Some good, old school rap advice...LOL :-)

Sometimes we miss the mark on why we are having our kids participate in sports in the first place. It's always good to reflect on that, remember why and apply it. 

"When your child is done with sports and the “glory days” are over, what will be left? Will it be more than trophies and news clippings? Hopefully it will be a strong foundation of character that will keep growing as he or she does."
The article "How to Enjoy Watching Your Teens Play Sports" gives some thoughts on keeping perspective and outlining how you can frame conversations with your child/players to get the maximum benefit from their participation in sports.

Growing Leaders is an excellent coaching, parenting, & teaching resource that helps me develop insight into working with players. Please check out their website and material, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

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